Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Johnson Space Center Tour of Building 9

We went on another amazing tour. This time of building 9 at Johnson Space Center. In this building we saw some mock-ups or replicas of the International Space Station (ISS) and the Space Shuttle. We learned about past and future shuttle missions. The shuttle will not be flying much longer and in its place will be Ares and Orion.
We worked on the experiment some more and had to run to the stores for supplies again. We also did some practice runs of the experiment today.
Finally, we had an awesome presentation by a former high school teacher who is now a NASA educator. He presented us with some great websites for resources and told us about many opportunities available to both teachers and students alike. We can't wait to look at the sites.
On the way back to the hotel, we went Geo Caching again. Well, it was Mrs. Houlihan's first time. It was pretty cool. This cache was found hidden on a plane. Amazing!

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