Friday, April 30, 2010

Flight of the 727!

Wow, what an experience. Our flight went the full distance. That means we did 30 parabolas in zero G, one in Martian gravity, and one in Lunar gravity. At the top of the parabolas we got about 25 seconds of weightlessness to perform our experiment. Mrs. Houlihan found it extremely difficult to perform the balloon rocket car experiment because she needed both hands to pump up the balloon and hold the cars. Mrs. Ruiz (Ms. Sarah), our mentor, kept time on the stopwatch to see how long it took the cars to travel down the track. We were surprised with the results. The cars took longer to travel down the track in zero G then in earth's gravity. The card balloon rocket car performed better then the paper plate balloon rocket car.
After our flight we had our entire team do a DLN (Distance Learning Network). It was a huge success! We had over 300 students, 15 teachers, and 12 parents in attendance. We were able to tell the students about our flight and the children asked some wonderful questions.
Tomorrow, Ms. Prows will fly, wish her luck.


  1. Nice pix! What is the loud horn sound in the video?

  2. The plane doesn't have as much insulation as regular planes,so we hear the engines and everything else! I kept my earplugs in the entire flight!
